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USD342 Facebook Guidelines

The McLouth School District is pleased to offer Facebook users the ability to interact and comment on district news.  However, the school district is not responsible for wall postings made by visitors to the McLouth School District Facebook page. In addition, comments and other content posted in no way reflect the opinions and positions of the school district.

The McLouth School District asks that people posting comments and other content on the page show respect for their fellow users by ensuring the conversation remains civil and that all posted content is appropriate, especially as Facebook allows children as young as 13 years old to join. Remember that you are responsible for all content that you post and your name and photo will be seen by all visitors to the site. 

All comments also are subject to Facebook’s Terms of Use and Code of Conduct as well as local, state, national and international laws.

The district reserves the right, but assumes no obligation, to remove any content posted to its wall.  This includes, but is not limited to, content which is discriminatory, derogatory racist, sexist, abusive, profane, pornographic, violent, obscene, spam, false, wildly off topic, libelous, or that incites, threatens or makes personal attacks on students, employees, guests or other individuals.  Postings seeking to sell products or promote commercial or other ventures will also be removed and, in no event, are any such products or services endorsed by the school district.

Facebook encourages all users to utilize the “Report” links when abusive content is found. The McLouth School District also requests users report any inappropriate content to the district by emailing facebookmail@mclouth.org.